Dr. Rabbi R. Karpov, Ph.D.

One of first ten woman rabbis to hold United Synagogue (Conservative Movement) pulpit as solo rabbi, 7+ years beginning 1989. Completing translations of Tikkun Leil Shavuoth, Tikkun Leil Hoshannah Rabbah, Tikkun Leil Sh'vii Shel Pesach, Leil 7 Adar, and others. Published Tu BiShvat Seder, and groundbreaking Seder Achilath HaSimonim (Rosh HaShanah Seder), on OpenSiddur.org. Available to run any of these study/prayer ceremonies (mostly all-nighters).
Three straight pulpits (including one Traditional Egalitarian), and then Jewish Center(s) of Indian Country and beyond, with 60+ family units spread throughout Navajo, Zuni, Hopi, Laguna, and Acoma reservation country. (At first, many Jews didn't realize there were others.) Wrote articles for Gallup Independent, and initiated Navajo/Jewish dialogue from the late 20th Century and ongoing since them. Contributed to oldest of the Tribal Colleges, through two name-changes.
Pesach seders and other learning events, weekly Torah insights starting with selections from Tikkun Leil Shavuoth, year-cycle and other Jewish learning and interfaith dialogue, with both Native American and the more commonly thought of faith-traditions.
Meanwhile, for parnossoh, help people effectively get employed as Job and Career Transition Coach and Certified Branded Career Marketing document writer including LinkedIn profiles and targeted resumes, as it's the kindest thing I can think of to do at the moment, and we've gotten great results.
Rabbi R. Karpov, Ph.D.
•Featured on ABQJew for Tisha B'Av (9 Av) article, "A Collective Scream" http://www.abqjew.net/2013/07/a-collective-scream.html
•Featured for Albuquerque, NM Shavuoth rollout of Tikkun Leil Shavuoth text (original + translation), 2013: http://www.abqjew.net/2013/05/preparing-for-shavuot.html , with press coverage following: http://www.jewishnewmexico.org/docs/the_link/jun_jul_2013.pdf, entire p. 2; and www.examiner.com/article/our-prayers-are-heard, May 19, 2013
•Featured on OpenSiddur.org, from traditional sources:
?"Second Night of Rosh HaShanah Seder": http://opensiddur.org/2012/09/seder-achilat-hasimonim-the-symbolic-foods-of-life-seder-for-rosh-hashanah/ September 3, 2012
?"Seder Rosh HaShanah La'Ilan: A Four Worlds Seder for Tu Bishvat": http://opensiddur.org/2013/01/seder-rosh-hashanah-lailan-a-four-worlds-seder-for-tu-bishvat/ January 14, 2013
Dr. Rabbi R. Karpov, Ph.D. has not yet contributed any divrei Torah.