February 10, 2025 |

About Divrei Torah

Throughout the Jewish world, people draw inspiration from a "word of Torah", a flash of insight triggered by a textual reading or based on thousands of years of literature and thought. The stories and imperatives of the Bible serve as the medium for discussions on morality, family, life cycle events, and the things we struggle with in our daily lives.

SeventyFaces.com is your virtual Torah community, in which you can read and be inspired by others' words, as well as find your own voice.

The rabbis said that there are שבעים פנים לתורה, (shiv'im panim laTorah), seventy faces or aspects to the Torah. Now you can find them online.

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Recent Divrei Torah

Bechukotai - Shmita and Personal Responsibility

Good shabbes! In today’s parashah, it turns out that I’m worth 50 shekels. By the sanctuary weight. And my mom said I’d never amount to anything. I’ll get back to the 50 shekels, but first, some of you may know, for years, my family has been working with a children’s environmentalist group...read more

About Manny Jacobowitz

Joined: 12/12/2010

Manny and his two kids are members of Congregation...

Divrei Torah (8)

Parashah Noach and Media Monopoly

The story of the Tower of Babel, on its surface, is disturbingly anti-Western. Bold men aspire to the heavens, G-d takes fright and/or offense at the invasion (“If, as one people with one language for all, this is how they have begun to act, then nothing that they may propose to do will be out of...read more

About Manny Jacobowitz

Joined: 12/12/2010

Manny and his two kids are members of Congregation...

Divrei Torah (8)