My video divrei Torah on parasha Ekev by Rabbi Jonathan Ginsburg
Posted by Jonathan Ginsburg | Tags: Ekev
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gTQopsAJnY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcRu3tjoBkQ
My Weekly Drash (a mini D'var Torah) - Ekev
Posted by Daniel M. Kimmel | Tags: Ekev
"Love, therefore, the Lord your God, and always keep His charge, His laws, His rules, and His commandments." (Deut. 11:1) This passage from Parshah Ekev is not unique. It is one of many places we are told to "love" God. But what does that mean? Rabbi Jakob Petuchowski wrote, "Jews study Torah...
Parshat Ekev
Posted by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld | Tags: Ekev
The concept of teshuvah, repentance, is a given in traditional Jewish circles: One who sins before God has the inalienable right to repent and to be absolved. Nevertheless, an analysis of the Torah indicates that such a theology might be absent from the text. In this week’s portion, Ekev, Moses...